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Mashin Imprim UV DTF
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Vann Fiè I3200 Tèt Imprim Dtf Uv Machin Imprim Fiè Roule 60cm roule a roule pou Machin Imprim UV

Fournit de l'impression rouleau à rouleau sans interruption avec une largeur d'impression maximale de 60cm (24 pouces), ce qui la rend parfaite pour la production en masse. Permet d'imprimer et de plastifier en une seule étape, minimisant ainsi le travail manuel et maximisant la productivité.

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Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine factory

Imprimante uv dtf se yon imprimante dizainye espesyal, ki sèvi AB film kòman vèhikil pou imrime desen sou A film, epi atache B film ak machin laminè, ak lami UV fè ant fik li vit pou konplè anpil desen.

Aprè sa a, desen yo koupe ak yon machin koup, desen kole sou matyè pi, ak film te arete pou fini imaj la.

Li gen etap imrim syemple, aplikasyon larg, mèsaj ajistab, tan kout e efè presiz.
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine supplier

Tèt imprimante

tro tèt
Hoson board I3200-U1


4 pase: 6.5-10 m²/h
6 pase: 5.8-7 m²/h
Laje Mwayen
Medyam Imprimes
Film UV espesyal AB
Tip Enkri
Enkri UV espesyal pou proteksyon anvironman
Kapasite Enkri
Inferfe Print
Inferfe rezo gigabit
Enviwònman Travay
Tempèriti: 15-30℃ Umidite: 40-80%
Rekis pou Pouvowa
AC 220V 50HZ\/60HZ 7.5KW
Sous Pwovizyon
Tailè Imaj
Altès ajistab 0~6MM
Gwosè machin
1900mm*1000mm*1500mm 110KG
Dimans mašin nan lè a te pake
1960mm*1070mm*750mm 150KG
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine factory
Operasyon Otomatik
Lè w ap sèvi ak imprimè a, pa gen operasyon komplike ki ni bezwen kontwòl.
Met A film la nan machin otomatikman, Kòmanse imprimasyon, Lamine epi kole presyon fini an otomatikman.
Imprimasyon ak laminasyon fèt tanpri, elimine mashin laminasyon;

Presizyon Eleye ak Vitès Imprimasyon
Nou ka ofri diferens tèt imprimante, Imprime pi vit e manipile pi fasil.

Panne liy koman pou fe chofe ak sistèm vakum
Panou ekran koman yo fasil pou sèvi ak e konprann.
Tansiyon an ka ajiste mannyelman.
Platfòm vakum an ka fikme fiwm la, ak procès impremyon pa tounen deplasé.
Aprè impremyon, chofe ak pye aoutomatik sou B fiwm la.

Dètèksyon inkesant nan koulè

Plak prinsipal Hoson, presizyon eleve, rapidite gran, ekran impremyon briye ak detay.

Mote a prekizyon eleve ak giden
Nou pral fè disponib pou ou sèvis asistan anlèn reyal la ak reparasyon gratis.
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine manufacture
Sètan nou egzamine procès impremyon UV DTF :
1. Imprime patern sou pelik direct transfer la premye, epi imprime nan ordi blan in, koulè in, ak vernis.
2. Apres l'impresyon, mete pelik PET sou pelik direct transfer. Li rekomande yo uze yon machin laminasyon pou pres li. Bien sran, li ka tou soti mane a man.
3. Koure patern deside ou e kole l sou materyal pou koli.
4. Pres patern an plizye fwa, arete lenjel douceman, fini.
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine factory
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine manufacture
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine supplier
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine manufacture
Hot Sale I3200 Printheads Dtf Uv Printer 60cm ab Film Printer Roll to Roll Uv Printing Machine factory

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