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Enk Ekran Imprim
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Siprè Faktwa: Enk PVC pou Tant Imprèsyon é ak Enk PVC pou Vèman

Yo te gen koulè briye ak rezistans kontra desafisyon ak dekoleman, ak kompatibilite ak pwopiete espesyal nan sifas PVC. Enpwa PVC a toujou pi fort kontra eliman, pou imaj ki rete lonje sou tèksil ak lòt materyo.

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  • Produit Rekomande
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='' target='_blank'>Screen Printing</a> Ink for Clothing supplier
Enks sik PP
Enks baz sou solvan
Konven pou sikrèn sik direkman sou tout pwodwi ki fe ak materyè PP.
Tsan seche
Proses kij aprè seche 24 è zanmi, fò jwenn nan four a 60°C-70°C pou 10~15 min.
1KG/Baryè Ou 5KG/Baryè

1.Adèshon anpli, rezistans bon kont dlo, rezistans bon kont lolo.
2.Flesibilite, pèfòmans yo byen, kapab pou impremye, aklègèlè sa a, li antrelije priode retenn papye ak timoun, ka konsève pi lon tan la.
En stok
Evite ekspozisyon dirèk sou soley.
Kondisyon Pèman
T/T + L/C + Paypal + Western Union
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing manufacture
Polipropilèn apelé PP nan kout, Dikou ki PP se yon matyè ak enerji sifès faib, pa t kapab koli fò aksan avèk enka impremye normal. Atè a nòt konpanye anviwònman sitiyasyon sa a, nou devlope yon ti enka solvant pou ekran impremye espesyal pou plastik PP, ki fèt ak matyè premye inportè, byen kove, rezistans kont fra, ak rezistans kont lolo, pèfòmans impremye anpli.
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing factory
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing manufacture
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing factory
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing details
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing factory
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing factory
Factory Supplies Pvc Ink Screen Print and Pvc Screen Printing Ink for Clothing details

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