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Kay> Fil UV AB

Faktori Vann UV DTF Imprimante UV Etikèt Kristal a ak b Transfè Filim Kolde Derive ak Kole nan Roll

Li ofri yon absipsyon enk presiz, rezistans ak dlo, ak rezistans kraze, li se idéal pou fè etikèt pèsonalize, lògò, ak dekò. Pasmèt si toul la ki ap ekri nan se plat, louvri oswa soufrans regilè, nou pral bay w solisyon pi fasil ak pi efisyan ou bezwen ak Flim DTF AB UV.

  • Resime
  • Produit Rekomande
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll manufacture
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier

Deskripsyon pwodui

UV-AB se yon san tounen ki transparan, li ka di tou genou yon fi lamij kal froid, yon fi transfè froid ki ka kole sou tout materyo.

Karakteristik UV-AB
1. Transparens an eleve, eg, kolant sòt, dò, antikratwa, rezistan chof, pi longtan, pa defann, pa jauni, ak rezistans UV.
2. Pwoteksyon envirònman, antidlo ak antifreshon, koulè ri, bon teksti 3D, operasyon simpl, fasil pou kole, ka kole sou tout materyo (ekske tèt)

Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier
Non pwodwi
Fi Imprèsyon
200 pès
Tail A3/A4
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier

Prensip travay

1. Fi lm UV se yon grup radikal liè oswa yon grup iyonik ki genere pa ajoute yon fotoinisyate oswa yon fotosensibilizat a yon rezin formule spesyal, ak absorbsyon UV ak kourij lajan pou ekipman UV.
2. Li konvèti revetman UV, enk, kol (rezin), ete nan sekond pa lansman reaksyon polimèrizasyon, kros-li e grafaj.
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll details
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll details
Imprimè uv dtf gen yon dispozitiv imprim an e yon dispozitif laminè, e rele fi lm AB kòm yon transpò pou asire tout proses imprim.
1. Imprime desen ak fi lm A
2. Pa dispozitif laminè. Desen separate ak membran B
3. Pres fi lm ak dechire fi lm
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll details
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll manufacture
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll factory
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll manufacture
Factory  Sales UV DTF Printer UV Crystal Label a and B Transfer Film Cold Tear and Paste in Roll supplier

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