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Kay> Mashin Ekspozisyon Imprèshon Sèkran

50 * 60cm Uv LED Vakum Unite Ekspozisyon ak Vakum UV LED Lanm Sèkran Imprèshon Ekspozisyon Mashin

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50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='' target='_blank'>Screen Printing</a> Exposure Machine details
Deskripsyon pwodui
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine details
Lam UV, Kontròl diyitè pou timè, Panèl kontròl PCB, Tans ekspozisyon ak tans vakum ajistab, Fèmen an otimatik, Vakum ki fèt tout siblaman
Spesifikasyon pwodui
Zòn ekspozisyon
Zòn travay maksimal:260*210mm
Sous lami: lam UV
Pouvo wa * kantite : 8W*6pcs
Dimansyon mashin : 300*290*75mm
Dimansyon empaquetaj : 320*310*90mm
Pwa : 5KG
pouvo:110V\/220V ,50Hz,200W
Zòn travay souplis: 400*500mm

Sous lami: lam UV

Pouvo lam*kanitite: 15W*8pcs

Afichechidijital pou tan ekspozisyon

Pwa total : 30KGS
pouvo: 110V/220V, 50Hz, 250W
Zòn travay souvwayant: 600*500mm
Sous lami: lam UV
Pouvo lam*kanite: 20W*8pwès
Afichechidijital pou tan ekspozisyon
Pwa total : 43KGS
pouvo: 110V/220V, 50Hz, 400W
Zòn travay souvwayant: 600*750mm
Sous lami: lam UV
Pouvo lam*kanite: 20W*10pwès
Afichechidijital pou tan ekspozisyon
Pwa total : 60KGS
Gen espesifikasyon lòt
Karakteristik ppal
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine manufacture
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine manufacture
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine supplier
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine factory
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine supplier
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine factory
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine factory
50*60cm Uv LED Vacuum Exposure Unit with Vacuum UV LED Light Screen Printing Exposure Machine factory

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