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Mashin Imprèshon DTF
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Mashin DTF 24 Pouz I3200 ak Chake Poud ak Pwintaj Fluoresan 9 Koulè Multipi

Sa a se yon Imprimante 24pou ak tèt i3200 ki konven pou biznis ak transfè chof, li efikas pou pransè ak kalite, tèks custom-pran. Li gen sistan siklaj blan pou evite blokaj. Sekè yo integre pou trètement chof efikas.

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24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

Mashin DTF 24 Pouz I3200 ak Chake Poud ak Pwintaj Fluoresan 9 Koulè Multipi

Nouvo Modèl nou a DTF printer, li ka imprim CMYK FG FM FO FY W, 9 Koulè Multipli

DTF se teknoloji transfè imaj pi resan pou tout tip vètman.
Enk DTF transfere sou pelikèl, apre sa a pase ak poud, chakèj e pres cho,
epi li fini antre tout matyè a ki dwe etre imprime.
Kout ba e operasyon fasil, li ka rezoud pwoblèm ki machin DTG pa t ap printe.

Nou gen tout sa ou bezwen pou kòmanse printe direk sou film!!!
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

Tèt Print Epson Opshonal

Tèt Print Orijinal I3200/4720 Dansite eleve ak vi pi lon
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Plak Prensipal Hoson

Plis fonksyon Operasyon pi konfyable ak stabil
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Sistèm Karts Ink ak Dispo Alèm

Soti CMYK LcLm W Kapasite gran pou fèt souple nan distribisyon latrij Dispozit alam pou evite mank latrij
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture

Remous latrij blan

Remue latrij blan otomatikman ak intermitan Soti koulè imaj konstan Evite bloka buse a
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Sisèm sirkilasyon latrij blan

Ki gen pom sirkilasyon atache
sirkile latrij la nan tubaj pou evite obstruksyon
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

Remous ak sirkilasyon latrij blan

Bouton sèpare
Miksen ak sirkilasyon ka ajiste
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture

Rail Gid Linèyar THK Japon

Chauffaj plak devan ak dèyè Temp konstan twa fason
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Stasyon Elevation Kap

Proteje tèt imprimante Eleve pi pous antre epi pi dòz
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Platefòm Sipsyon

Asire platès materyal Amelyore flidite a papye nan mete machin Soti sitye stabilyte a imprimason
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Panèl Kontrol Tansyan

Chauffaj plak devan ak dèyè Temp konstan twa fason
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
Procès DTF se simple ak tout kote non li sijere -
Imprime sou yon filma e transfere direkman sou tèt.

1. Dezèn Paton Sèvi ak photoshop, illustrator oswa lòt logisel pou dezine paton ou 2. Imprime dezèn ou Ajuste paramèt pa imprimante nan logisel RIP e sèvi ak blan pou imprim paton ou sou pelikèl la 3. Pousye Anvès swit machin pousye a, machin an pral fè pousye, chache, sèk e fik koulè a 4. Pres Chof Sèvi ak yon machin pres chof, mete temperati a 150 degre, ak tan 12 segond pou transfere
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

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