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Secador Túnel para Serigrafía
Inicio> Secador Túnel para Serigrafía

Máquina de Secado por Túnel de Impresión en Pantalla con Cinta Transportadora Eléctrica para Secar Camisetas

Para secar camisetas con unha eficiencia moi grande, probe este Secador en Túnel de Serigrafía. Unha cinta transportadora accionada por un motor eléctrico permite que as prenda fluan dentro e fóra do túnel de secado de forma suave e consistente.

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<a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='' target='_blank'>Screen Printing</a> Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer manufacture
Este secador por cinta é amplamente utilizado na industria de serigrafía para o secado, é especialmente adecuado para fixar tintas de impresión térmica e especiais. Este túnel de secado permite a produción de produtos impresos con boas propiedades de fixación, alta flexibilidade e alto brillo.
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
*Todas as áreas de traballo están dispoñibles para personalizar.* A temperatura e a velocidade de traballo poden ser ajustables *O medidor de velocidade digital permite ao operador axustar a velocidade de traballo con precisión
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer details
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer details
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer details
modelo 1
velocidade da correia
lámpada de aquecemento IR
8 lámpadas
intervalo de temp.
0-250 graos
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer factory
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer factory
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer factory
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer details
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer supplier
Screen Printing Tunnel Dryer Machine with Electric Conveyor Belt for T-shirt Dryer details

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