Gach Catagóir
Machanám Priontála DTF
Baile> DTF &UV DTF>Machanám Priontála DTF

24 Inc I3200 Ceann Dtf Printer agus Máinisteach Shaker Púdar le 9 Dath Fluorescent Priontála Nánndath

Is oiriúnach go hiomlán é seo Printer DTF 24inch le headda i3200 don chumann gníomhachta le h-aistriú the ar fheabhsú phróiseas, teistileanna phribhléide saincheaptha. Sód dearg ciorcal ink chun codladh a chur chun cinn. Dhoiléadán iomlán chun tacar teipeadh teipeadh a dhéanamh.

  • Forbhreathnú
  • Táirgí Molta
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

24 Inc I3200 Ceann Dtf Printer agus Máinisteach Shaker Púdar le 9 Dath Fluorescent Priontála Nánndath

Ár mBunús Nua DTF foilsiúir, is féidir leis foilsiú CMYK FG FM FO FY W, 9 Dath Foilsiú

Is é DTF an teicneolaíocht nua-aithní is déanaí le haghaidh na gcóipithe ar fhearann uile.
Nítear an deoch DTF chuig scáth, agus ansin trí phollán, glacadh agus brú theite,
ceanglaíonn sé go deo leis an fhearann a chuirfear i láthair.
Costas íseal agus oibríoch, is féidir leis an méid atá faoi bhun DTG a chur in iúl.

Tá gach rud againn atá ort chun tosú le hinpriontaithe Direct to Film!!!
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

Priontáin Príntiú Epson Ar Fhadhail

I3200/4720 Priontáin Príntiú Urramacha Déanaimh denste agus beagán saoil níos faide
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Hoson Main Board

Níos mó feidhmíOibríonn go níos furasta agus níos staidiúil
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Córas Cartriúch Díon & Buntáiste Tabhairce

Tacaíonn le CMYK LcLm W Fheidhmchlár mór le haghaidh soláthar díon i gcás constántBuntáiste tabhairce chun cúram a ghlacadh ar fheabhsuithe díon
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture

Stirríocht díon bán

Stirríonn go huathoibríoch agus go hideach an díon bánCuir ar aghaidh dathfhorm uilechánGcuir an bholgán fúmaithe
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Ciorcalóidí dúchais bán

Ceangailte le pompa ciorcalóide
ciorcalóidí an dúchas san áit shuíomh chun cuireadh a chur isteach
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory

Stoir agus Ciorcalóidí dúchais bán

Bainiste óga
Is féidir leat stoir agus ciorcalóidí a shocraithe
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture

Graodail Theas Lineár THK na Seapáin

Téamh phláité ar aghaidh agus siarTeocht comhthógtha trí-thrámh
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Stáisiún Criosúchán Eifeachtachta

Cosain cinn phrinteÉadóireacht inck, níos príobháideach agus níos fíorfhadúil
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Plataif Súgála

Díriú ar chomhlíneacht an mhaicmeFeabhsú glanfaideachta na ndéileála páipéir Díriú ar staidiú an phrinnteoireachta
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier

Painéal rialaithe teochta

Téamh phláité ar aghaidh agus siarTeocht comhthógtha trí-thrámh
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
Is bréagach an obair mar a dtugtar ar an phróiseas DTF -
Inpriont ar scáth agus árthroid chuig fhearann go díreach.

1. Plean Díbneála Úsáid Photoshop, Illustrator nó eolaire eile chun do phlean a díbniú 2. Do díbneálach a phrintiú Cuir na paraiméadair an tsofware RIP i gcomhar agus úsáid deoch chun do phlean a phrintiú ar an fhlísc 3. Fúithrú Cas an sprioc ar mheicín fuarthimpeallaithe, bronnfar an fúithrú go huathoibríoch, beidh sé ag titim agus ag cinntiú an dath 4. Brú Teampa Úsáid meicín brú teampa, socraigh an téamperatúr ar 150 céad scéal agus am 12 soicind chun an togra a thógáil
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing factory
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing supplier
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing manufacture
24 Inches I3200 Heads Dtf Printer and Powder Shaker Machine with 9 Multi-Color Fluorescent Printing details

Faigh Luaigh Saor

Déanfaidh ár n-ionadaí teagmháil leat go luath.
Ainm na Cuideachta